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love letters to and from the soul.

out now!!

- self published through amazon's kdp publishing services -

Dear; is a love letter. A letter to those who have lived with hearts too big for their ribcages. A letter to those who I have loved and lost. A letter to the earth. A letter to art making. A letter I have shouted out off of rooftops at 2am. And one I have written in the bathtub at 4pm on a Thursday.

Dear; is a compilation of poems I have written over the past 5 years. I don’t think I truly started living until I was 21. Till I had my first true taste of heartache that wasn’t marred by teenage angst or hormones. But a heartbreak that had true consequences. I have written these words on the subway, during dance classes, on retreats where I was surrounded by womxn who wanted to hear the words, after I rolled over and he turned the light off. These words are fragile. But I like to dance on the edge sometimes. 

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