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I am here to guide you. Mentor you. Help you heal you. I am here to support you in finding your inner muse, your wild woman, your divine feminine. 

My healing journey began in the summer of 2017, age 23  - I thought I was so mature - well that is when I went on my first retreat, cried and screamed on the floor, camped in the forest, and looked at my birth chart closely, went home and was a changed woman forever. 

"I would look to the moon and my community forever. I would heal from within, knowing I didn't need anything external."

But I think it started when I was 14.

When I took of the leotard and pointe shoes and started to dance however I wanted. I didn't realize that improvisation or dancing wildly without abandon was what I needed. I never stopped. Hell - in college I took probably 6 improvisational classes and studied at the famous Judson Dance Theater to get a closer look into the process. It wasn't until I found myself hiking in the backwoods of upstate New York that I realized healing can be whatever it is that my body wants it to be. 

And then the wellness industry blew up. And I fell in and out of love with it. And here I am trying to find my place in it. 

Since that first retreat - I went home, journaled everyday, started attending Moon circles and doing yoga more serious. I went to ecstatic dance. I found breathwork and it changed my life. I looked at my life and realized too much of it was toxic and I danced with wild abandon with the fears. I went on retreats and climbed cliffs. I traveled solo. I assisted on retreats. I heard stories and told some of my own. It was messy. And wild. And magical.

And the things that bubbled up were scary. But they were mine.

So I started this thing called "healing."

I called it magic. I called myself a witch bitch. An embodied wild woman, ready to breath flames of fire to the world. 

I have traveled the world looking for seeds of healing in the ocean, the mountains. I found it in the desert after I got lost on a solo hike in Joshua Tree but mainly within myself. 

There is so much more to my healing journey, but here are the few things that I have found I will and need to come back to, the things and practices that I will work with you to guide you back to yourself, to a more embodied and wild life. A "healing" journey never ends, but I am here to help guide you on yours. 

I am a priestess. Not a guru. I am here to hold space for your unfolding. 

I offer individualized healing modalities and practices to help you unlock your truest potential. 


(I'm clickable!)


‘O sunlight - the most precious gold to

Yogic practices to help you find you body again, connect with your breath, find center, and grow.

Embodied Breathwork based on the Radical Awakenings Method + Coaching to live a life full of sensual practice, sacred awareness, mystic and magic.

Intuitive tarot readings based on your questions, challenges, and ambitions. 

I come from a trauma informed background, meaning - no matter what it is in your past - I am here for you. I have the skills to hold you in whatever it is you are working on. To help you. Please make sure you have support before starting any healing journey (i.e. a community, friends & family, therapist). I am happy to guide you to places if you are in need of a solid container before staring your mystical and holistic healing journey. 

Lunar rituals and intention setting space, held and facilitated by yours truly. 

studies & qualifications:

-Radical Awakenings Method Certification  through Initiation 2020 program 
-200 RYT > through Y7 in NYC
- Moon Club/Radical Awakenings Founding Member (since 2016)
-Somatic Therapy & Experience training under The New School
-Tarot School by Weaving Witch, as well as self-taught studies since 2012

If you are unsure where to start your healing journey I am here for you. send me an email ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IN A HEALER AND COACH. 

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